It is our mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems and healthy diets 

Driven by a deep commitment to create positive change and determined to break down barriers, Next Food Collective intends to reshape the future of food and agriculture and pave the way for progress in the transition to a more sustainable healthy global food system.

Transitioning to a sustainable food system with healthy and affordable food means: going from 'more, more, and more' to 'quality, regenerative production and less waste'

Gerda Verburg

Non-Executive Director Next Food Collective

Our global food system needs a transformation, a transition to new systems for producing and processing agricultural materials and food products to reduce our ecological footprint and move away from the fossil-based industry. Furthermore, for a healthy future we need to change our consumption patterns not just in order to feed the estimated 10 billion people who will live on this planet in 2050, but also to improve our quality of life and let us live healthily for longer.

But the transitions are going very slow, therefore it is time to shift gears and accelerate. Next Food Collective wants to speed up transitions by identifying the challenges companies face and designing programs to tackle these challenges head-on thus creating real impact.

Looking ahead to 2030, we envision an agri-food sector that is thriving, producing high-quality (safe, nutritious and tasty), sustainable, healthy and affordable food.

The Netherlands with its strategic location at Europe’s front door, has all the necessary elements to make this vision a reality: a dynamic community of (international) businesses in the agri-food sector, world-renowned academic research institutes and a proven track record in public-private collaborations.

We recognize that accomplishing this ambitious goal requires a collective effort. It is essential for the whole food industry to come together and collectively break down existing barriers. Now is the time to take our ideas and initiatives to the next level and reshape public-private collaboration.

Collectively we can lay the foundation for a better future, where sustainable and healthy food is not just a goal but a reality on every plate.